Accredited Food Assessors
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Family name
First name |
Accreditation | Territory | Company | Country |
Phone number
Mobile number |
Email address |
Schevernels Guido |
Transport Service, Distributors/ESAD, Tank Cleaning, Warehouse | AT , BE , FR , DE , IE , NL , CH , GB | Independent | Belgium | +32 475387097 +32 475387097 | |
Schütz Christian |
Transport Service(+Food), Distributors/ESAD(+F), Tank Cleaning, Warehouse(+Food), Rail Carrier | AT , DE , CH , GB | TUV AUSTRIA GmbH | Austria | +43 664604546070 +43 6643263928 | |
Snella Michael |
Transport Service, Distributors/ESAD(+F), Tank Cleaning, Warehouse, Rail Carrier | AT , BE , DE , NL , CH , GB | AJA Registrars Germany GmbH | Germany | +49 6232132450 +49 1704584440 | |
Steenbergen Ing. N.H. |
TEAKCARE | Netherlands | +31 (0)6 107 02 551 Lutz | | ||
Süld Mikael |
Leda Hållbart Väst AB | Sweden | +46766 347444 | | ||
Traversi Dr. Giulio |
Transport Service, Distributors/ESAD(+F), Tank Cleaning, Warehouse, Rail Carrier | FR , IT , CH | Certiquality | Italy | +39 0280691761 +39 3356623456 | |
van der Heide Jacob |
Transport Service, Distributors/ESAD(+F), Tank Cleaning, Warehouse, Rail Carrier | BE , FR , IE , NL , GB | LeMD | Netherlands | +31651175560 +31 651175560 | |
Werner Dr. Michael |
Transport Service, Tank Cleaning | DE | Dr. Werner Unternehmensberatung | Germany | + 49 2257 952 230 +49 177 6917111 | |
Wirth Peter |
Transport Service, Distributors/ESAD, Tank Cleaning, Warehouse | AT , DE , LU , CH | green duck GmbH | Germany | +49 21814737384 +49 1778785120 | |
Xanthopoulos Kosmas |
Transport Service, Distributors/ESAD(+F), Tank Cleaning, Warehouse | GR | LRQA | Greece | +302119906552 +30 6946337458 | |
Zajaczkowski Bogdan |
SQAS Tank Cleaning + Food, Transport Service+, Warehouse + | PL | QMC Bogdan Zajączkowski | Poland | +48 602 506 831 | |