EFTCO listened to Food Industry and adopt lots of very good feedback into the new 2018 questionnaire.
It is EFTCO`s standard to improve the quality of the Food Assessment and we have reworked the existing questionnaire after consultation of Food Industry and with user`s feedback received by EFTCO Workgroup.
The new questionnaire (Version 30.06.2018) can be used as from 1. July 2018. After a period of 3 months transition, as from the 4th quarter 2018 (1.10.2018), the new questionnaire will become mandatory.
Cleaning station that undertake the EFTCO FOOD assessment in addition to the SQAS-Audit, are allowed to use the EFTCO FOOD ASSESSED logo and audit will be published on EFTCO website.
As from 1.10.2018 the use of potable water (Questions 12.2.18 and 12.2.19) are mandatory to get EFTCO accreditation.